Wednesday 15 April 2009

happy day!

Today is Malacca Historical it is a public holiday here...But since it is on wed, it doesnt make much difference to us coz we cant go anywhere far though..So, just spent time sleeping and resting today..
And, today I m very happy =) because my dear bought me a gift which i have yearned for long...Couldnt wait to get it....=)
Shall start studying dy...
My Medicine posting will end this will be Community MEdicine..heard that it is fun too... Throughout this 4weeks medicine posting, I enjoyed it a lot... I learnt a lot, not only academically, but also certain things in life which I always take it for granted..I m glad that patients taught me a lot.. I begin to understand what is a good doctor...what is empathy is all about and what actually the patient wants/hopes from the doctor... or as a medical student now, what can I do at least to make them more comfortable...I realise now that mere sitting there and listening to their problems will give them some strength to move on.. I hope God will help them along the way.... :-)


Monday 6 April 2009

When you call for emergency service

Imagine a scenario, while you walking on the street, you encounter an accident, involving multiple vehicles, and the scene is bloody. And you call the 999 service in M'sia, what is the 1st thing you gonna say? What happen? How many people involved? Dr. Chew has posted a useful mnemonics in his blog. When you call next time, just remember use the mnemonic ETHANE.
What' does ETHANE stand for?

E = Exact Location - The precise location of the incident

T = Type - The nature of the incident (trauma, non-trauma, heart atack, motor-vehicle accident), including how many vehicles, buildings etc. are involved

H = Hazards - Both present and potential (e.g., explosion, spillage of combustible materials, highly volatile hydrocarbons, chemicals, etc)

A = Access - Best route for emergency services to access the site, or obstructions and bottlenecks to avoid

N = Numbers - Numbers of Casualties, Dead and Uninjured on scene

E = Existing Emergency Services - Which services are already on scene, and which others are required - s0 as not to duplicate services, and for better utilization of services in other concurrently emergency happenings.

Remember this mnemonic and make a proper call to the ambulance service in case you need to in the future. You will never know that by providing accurate and necessary information, you might save a life/lives !By the way, don't make prank calls!

Are you prepared to be a doctor?

Came across this post ' Are you prepared to be a doctor' by Dr.Hsu. A big thank goes to Doracrates for telling. Seriously, i have never thought of some of the questions posted by Dr.Hsu. How about you? Below are the questions :

For those who are going into medicine, ask yourself:

Is it for money you are entering the field of medicine , or is it really for the love of helping people and alleviate sufferings?

Can you be patient enough to sit there for 60 minutes listening to an old lady telling the woes of her family ? Can you be human enough to comfort her,holding her, even when she smells and stinks ?

Can you stand the chores of standing there for over 10 to 20 hours to do or assist in an operation without asking to be relieved, since chances are there would be no one to relieve you?

Can you stand working from 8am in the morning on a Saturday and finish work at 4.30pm the next Monday (that was the weekend call I personally went through)?

Are you prepared to be on call for 24/7/365 a year , if you are the only doctor in town in some of the rural areas?

Are you prepared to face SARs or Ebola patients coming to your clinic to consult you without you scooting off from the back door? (During the SARS scare, doctors carried on seeing patients like normal, even though anyone with fever could be a SARS patient and you would definitely be infected in the small confine of your consultation room if the patient that walked into your room was a SARS case)…

Are you prepared to handle excretions of patients such as stools, urine and vomitus, or physically handle a foul-smelling and maggot-infested wounds?Even if they cannot pay you?

Are you prepared to face a lifetime of learning since medical knowledge needs to be kept up to date ?

As a hypothetical question just to illustrate a point, are you prepared to treat someone who might have killed your loved ones? Medical ethics demand that you do..

If any of the answer is no, then medicine is not for you.

For full post, please read in Dr.Hsu's Forum.

Sunday 5 April 2009


· 良醫
2008-03-19 22:49

· 如今劉子賢已精神奕奕,積極過健康的生活。

· 劉子賢:患癌前,我非常不孝,很少回家,母親開刀時,我只是寄錢給她;父親洗腎時,我也寄錢回家,以為這已是孝順。

· 劉子賢:很多人都不懂得預防的重要,患癌前叫他清早起來運動,他說:傻的,我不會多睡兩個鐘呀?可是患癌後,清晨5點太極,6點氣功,8點瑜伽……為什麼?怕死了啊!
最後,他被確診患上生殖細胞癌。"我問醫生為何是我?醫生答說當然是你,不是你還有誰?接著,我問醫生醫療費多少?醫生說少則幾十千,多則百多千。最後我問我會死嗎?醫生答:Not sure"



Saturday 4 April 2009


Today I feel very happy, and feel that i m blessed and lucky to have mum and dad who love me unconditionally and make sure I lead a happy life... Today, I also had a long chat with my dear after a long time...It feels really good and I am blessed to have him with me all the times. He is the pillar of strength to me at my moments of weakness when I feel helpless, alone, scared of wat wil happen tomorrow... yet he never walked away...not even a single step. Though sometimes certain life event is really harsh, without that I would have never known who really care for me and learnt how to appreciate my loved ones ..Now, I m glad that I do...Thank god for bringing him to me...


Thursday 2 April 2009


First of all, Happy Naw Ruz to all Baha'is!!

Today is my second last day of holiday..3 weeks holiday passed so fast.. How I wish I have a longer holiday...After this I wont be having such a long holiday anymore :-( ... But, this holiday, I did a lot of things ...really had a great time. It started off with cousin's wedding...whereby many relatives..cousins came back....had a gathering in Ying's house..playing Wii..gambling..chatting...then off to Langkawi and Pulau Payar with Manda & Dhanesh...first time parasailing and snorkelling...then this year finally i managed to go chengbeng again after many years...we all were like picnicking together with Ah kong and Ah Po... Then during this holiday also, I took the opportunity to do something which i always wish to do..that is bringing my brother out for a day...watching movie, eating, walking around in shopping complex etc....This was the first time brother took a ferry to penang, it was also my first time getting to my grandparents' house by using public bus in penang...It was a wonderful experience for both of go around penang using the bus =)

This post should be completed 2 weeks back..but then due to some problems, now only i manage to finish it....because today only i got my internet connection in my hostel


Wednesday 1 April 2009

Post surgery cycle

Post surgery cycle night. Feel great to have Dennis Sergeivich as my teacher for this semester. He really brought us around to see patients, and what's important is he is among the few teachers which really emphasizes on bedside manners. Tomorrow will begin intensive therapy,which is my favorite in this semester. Anyway, today on the bus i failed to recognize a visually-impaired young man who was standing on a congested bus. Who recognized him? An old lady , who stood up and led him to an empty seat later. At that moment i just felt guilty and embarassed of myself. And i told myself, ' Be more observant next time , and you can always help someone in need'...