Monday, 6 April 2009

Are you prepared to be a doctor?

Came across this post ' Are you prepared to be a doctor' by Dr.Hsu. A big thank goes to Doracrates for telling. Seriously, i have never thought of some of the questions posted by Dr.Hsu. How about you? Below are the questions :

For those who are going into medicine, ask yourself:

Is it for money you are entering the field of medicine , or is it really for the love of helping people and alleviate sufferings?

Can you be patient enough to sit there for 60 minutes listening to an old lady telling the woes of her family ? Can you be human enough to comfort her,holding her, even when she smells and stinks ?

Can you stand the chores of standing there for over 10 to 20 hours to do or assist in an operation without asking to be relieved, since chances are there would be no one to relieve you?

Can you stand working from 8am in the morning on a Saturday and finish work at 4.30pm the next Monday (that was the weekend call I personally went through)?

Are you prepared to be on call for 24/7/365 a year , if you are the only doctor in town in some of the rural areas?

Are you prepared to face SARs or Ebola patients coming to your clinic to consult you without you scooting off from the back door? (During the SARS scare, doctors carried on seeing patients like normal, even though anyone with fever could be a SARS patient and you would definitely be infected in the small confine of your consultation room if the patient that walked into your room was a SARS case)…

Are you prepared to handle excretions of patients such as stools, urine and vomitus, or physically handle a foul-smelling and maggot-infested wounds?Even if they cannot pay you?

Are you prepared to face a lifetime of learning since medical knowledge needs to be kept up to date ?

As a hypothetical question just to illustrate a point, are you prepared to treat someone who might have killed your loved ones? Medical ethics demand that you do..

If any of the answer is no, then medicine is not for you.

For full post, please read in Dr.Hsu's Forum.

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